Jan 25, 2023
Today we are discussing the Kipping Ring Muscle-Up. More specifically we will be speaking about some common cue's that we hear out in the world in regard to this movement that miss the mark. These are cues we hear often, and most likely had a good concept behind them initially, but ultimately do not tend to lead to good...
Jan 18, 2023
Chris Spealler is known as one of the OG's of the CrossFit Games. At 5'5" and 145 lbs, he did things in competition that spectators and other athletes couldn't help but be inspired by. He is also a L4 coach and a former L1 staff member. Chris owns CrossFit Park City in Utah and offers online programming (link below). A...
Jan 11, 2023
With Wodapalooza about to go down this week, we decided to have CrossFit Analyst: Brian Friend on the podcast to talk about his predictions for this event and what to be on the look out for. Even though all of the events within the competition have not been announced yet, Brian DOES have knowledge of all the events, so...
Jan 4, 2023
Today we welcome our friend Angela Gargano to the show. Angela has a long history of athletics, beginning with D1 Collegiate Gymnastics, moving into fitness competitions, and even competing multiple times as an America Ninja Warrior athlete, before moving on to a full time role as a coach helping and inspiring women...