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The Power Monkey Podcast

Feb 24, 2022

On todays episode, we have our good friend Chris Hinshaw with us to break down and talk about the CrossFit Open workout 22.1.

Between Dave, Chad, and Chris...we have the 3 Subject Matter Experts (SME's) for Gymnastics, Weightlifting, and Aerobic Capacity all together and are uniquely suited to help shed light on what...

Feb 16, 2022

Jacob is a mainstay in the sport of CrossFit, having been a multi time Games competitor finishing in the 10 ten more than once. Since his recent retirement from the competitive side of the sport, he has turned his attention to other avenues in an effort to challenge himself and continue to grow as a human. Most recently...

Feb 9, 2022

Mark has had an incredible career, specifically within the sport of Powerlifting where he was know as "The world record breaker". He now owns and runs "The Super Training Gym", hosts "The Power Project Podcast", and sells his widely successful lifting product: "The Slingshot". He credits much of his success to just...

Feb 2, 2022

Karl is the brain and creative hand behind the widely popular Instagram account, Whiteboard Daily, where he uses detailed yet simple illustrations to drive home technical concepts and coaching cues for some of the most difficult lifts and movements within sport. Karl is a highly educated and talented clinician, and...